Release Soul Endowmen

Release Soul Endowment
List: Demon Hunter
Cost: 1
Prereqs: Any 6 Ranks of Endowment Skills
Skill Type: Miscellaneous
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

Learning this skill allow the character to use the Release Soul Endowment by consuming a specific kind of demon flesh. Once activated, the endowment allows the character to do two things.

  •  The character can draw out a demon possessing another character. To do so, the possessed character must be restrained, unresisting, or unconscious. The character then spends one minute of roleplay coaxing, cajoling, insulting, and/or tempting the demon out. Once out, the demon character must initiate combat with the character using this endowment, but then is free to act as it wishes. The demon may not repossess the same character for 5 minutes, but may possess any other character it wishes, including the character using this endowment!


  •  The character may free another character of the effects of their Demonic Charm by taking the affect upon themselves. The target character must be restrained, unresisting, or unconscious. The character using this skill must touch the target character for 10 seconds in a manner consistent with the rules. The character then becomes demonically charmed including any orders the target character had. The demon that charmed the target character now has control over the character using this skill and can issue new commands. Out- of-game, the target character should inform only the character using this skill what their commands, if any, are and who the demon that charmed them was.  If the character using this skill has the Clear Mind Endowment active or is otherwise immune to the Demonic Charm, then the Demonic Charm has no effect and both characters are free of any control. Note that the character using this skill may not use an Iron Will to resist the Demonic Charm, only being immune protects them. The Release Soul Endowment requires the flesh of any arcane demon to activate.

This Skill is purchasable only once, and will last for 60 minutes and give the character 2 corruption points.

When this skill is used in either way as demonstrated above, its effects end immediatly and the character must eat more flesh and gain more corruption to use the ability again.

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